Phone No: +91 471 221 545
Phone No: +91 471 221 545
In the agricultural sector, NIDS is endeavoring to improve the situation of the farmers in our area. NIDS is giving special emphasis in the area of agriculture because majority of the people in this area are farmers. Organic farming is the priority of our agriculture policy. We give equal importance to animal husbandry along with agriculture.
For organic farming and additional income generation cow rearing is very important. We had conducted 38 five day trainings to 3521 farmers and 3023 farmers started cow rearing with the assistance of financial institutions, especially Bank of India with a loan of `30,068,000/-. We organized 31 two days training in goat rearing for 2329 farmers. 2113 farmers started goat rearing with the assistance of financial institutions.
We conducted 24 two days training in poultry rearing for 1927 farmers and 1225 farmers started poultry rearing. In rabbit rearing we conducted three trainings of two days each for 156 persons with the support of NABARD. Total 78 farmers started rabbit rearing. The resource persons were experts from Kerala State Livestock Management Training Centre. Under this sector presently we have 147 farmers clubs 3217 homestead kitchen gardens, 9 organic villages and 11 group farming. During last year NIDS conducted Lead Farmers Training to the selected farmers with the support of NABARD.
NIDS has a very good team of trained and experienced social workers. The organization has a well-equipped office and sufficient infrastructure and vehicles for making its functioning smooth and efficient. NIDS also has succeeded in creating effective linkages with NGOs and Government organizations.
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