Phone No: +91 471 221 545
Phone No: +91 471 221 545
Dalit, Backward and Tribals are our priority sector. We are organizing them to be a united force so that they can demand their rights.
Awareness trainings and leadership programmes are conducted towards their empowerments. Vocational training is important to them and some are exposed to skill development training. Functional Vocational Trainings are also conducted for them. Information dissemination on various schemes of the government for the Dalit’s and backward is also a programme of this sector. Educational scholarships are provided to the students to encourage education. We also promote the art and culture of the Dalit’s and Tribals.
All the developmental activities of NIDS are devised with a view to uplift the weaker sections of the society at par with others with food security and life security. NIDS is also organizing animation programmes to empower the weaker sections of the society. Through various actions and activities, NIDS is endeavoring the self-reliance of the poor and marginalized in our operational area.
NIDS has a very good team of trained and experienced social workers. The organization has a well-equipped office and sufficient infrastructure and vehicles for making its functioning smooth and efficient. NIDS also has succeeded in creating effective linkages with NGOs and Government organizations.
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