Phone No: +91 471 221 545
Phone No: +91 471 221 545
The priority of socio economic sector of Neyyattinkara Integral Development Society (NIDS) is to enhance the socio economic situation of the weaker sections of the society, the poor and marginalized. In this sector we are initiating programmes such as income generation programme, self employment programme, credit unions, self-help groups, micro credit, housing, EDP training etc. We have 93 local units of NIDS in our operational area. Attached to each unit we have a credit union with a view to promote thrift and savings.
These credit unions are functioning properly with the direct supervision of the local units of nids. These credit units are maintaining their accounts in the local branch of the Nationalized/scheduled bank as per the convenience. Loan facility is also existing in the credit unions as per the availability of funds. Another major activity in the socio economic sector is self help groups. Presently we have 3097 SHGs actively functioning in our operational area. Out of these, 1859 are women SHGs, 382 men SHGs and 856 are children SHGs.
The number of members in each SHGs are 10 to 16. Each of these SHGs maintains various documents like report book account book, loan register, membership register, individual pass book and SHG pass book with credit union or bank. The SHG members take up various income generation programmes with their share capital and loan from credit union or bank. Our SHGs and credit unions have a savings of `80,000,000/- (Rupees Eight Crore) and an internal lending of `78,500,000/- (Rupees Seven Crores Eighty Five lakhs only). We have availed `20 crores from different Banks such as Dhanalekshmi Bank, south Indian Bank and Catholic Syrian Bank as loan for on lending to SHGs to initiate income generation programmes under the micro credit scheme.
NIDS has a very good team of trained and experienced social workers. The organization has a well-equipped office and sufficient infrastructure and vehicles for making its functioning smooth and efficient. NIDS also has succeeded in creating effective linkages with NGOs and Government organizations.
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