After the ordination, he served in many parishes of the present Neyyattinkara and Trivandrum Dioceses as a zealous pastor and missionary. Then he was sent to Rome for higher studies and he obtained Doctorate in Systematic Theology in 1987 from Urban University, Rome. Then he was appointed as Professor in St. Joseph's Pontifical Major Seminary, Alwaye for giving formation to the candidates of priesthood. There he was appointed as the Vice-Rector in 1994. Meanwhile, the Latin Diocese of Neyyattinkara was erected by His Holiness Pope John Paul II dated 14th June 1996 and he was appointed as the First Bishop of the Diocese of Neyyattinkara. Now as the Bishop of Neyyattinkara, he serves about one and a half Lakhs Catholics of both Neyyattinkara and Nedumangad Taluks with powerful spiritual guidance as a good Shepherd and Bishop. His motto is "to serve and save". Let us wish him as he completes 15 year of his Administration as Bishop